Shipping Policy

Transport costs depend on the destination and the weight of the parcel.


Shipping costs are waived in the following cases:

  • Purchases over €500 for deliveries in mainland Portugal and mainland Spain.
  • Purchases over €750 for deliveries in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Monaco, Luxembourg, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Denmark, Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, the Portuguese Islands (Azores and Madeira), Italy, Sweden, Austria, Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia, Ireland, Croatia and Spain (Balearic Islands²).
  • Purchases over 1000€ for deliveries to Finland, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine.
  • Purchases over 1700€ for deliveries to Switzerland, the UK, Norway, Serbia, Greece and Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • Purchases over €2500 for delivery to Albania, Cyprus, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Kosovo, Malta, Montenegro, Turkey, Macedonia and Spain (Ceuta, Mellilla, Las Palmas and Tenerife).

In the tables below, you can see the cost, depending on the weight and type of delivery service.

*All transit times are estimated times and not actual times.

TABLE PT: Deliveries in mainland Portugal (Estimated delivery between 24 and 48 h*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-0,99 7€
1-4,99 8€
5-9,99 9€
10-19,99 10€
20-29,99 12€
30-49,99 19€
50-99,99 36€
100-149,99 48€
150-199,99 60€
200-499,99 90€
500-999 120€
1000-3000 360€

TABLE EN: Deliveries in Portugal – DPD PICK UP Store (Estimated delivery in shop between 24 and 48 h*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-9,99 7€

NOTE: You must select the DPD Pick Up Point at the end of your purchase. If you do not select a point, we will send your order to the Pick Up point closest to your postcode.

TABLE PT-Ilhas: Deliveries to Madeira Island by Air (Estimated delivery between 2 and 3 Days*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-0,99 24€
1-1,99 38€
2-4,99 45€
5-9,99 61€

TABLE PT-Ilhas: Deliveries to Madeira Island by Sea (Estimated delivery between 4 and 10 Days*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-9,99 21€
10-19,99 25€
20-29,99 33€
30-39,99 40€
40-49,99 46€
50-99,99 84€
100-199,99 153€
200-999 720€

TABLE PT-Ilhas: Deliveries to the Azores Islands by Air (Estimated delivery between 3 and 4 Days*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-0,99 24€
1-1,99 29€
2-4,99 42€
5-9,99 65€

TABLE PT-Ilhas: Deliveries to the Azores Islands by Sea (Estimated delivery between 5 and 14 Days*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-9,99 29€
10-19,99 46€
20-29,99 63€
30-49,99 96€
50-99,99 180€
100-199,99 360€
200-999 480€

TABLE SPAIN: Deliveries in mainland Spain (Estimated delivery between 24 and 72 h*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-1,99 7€
2-4,99 8€
5-9,99 9€
10-19,99 10€
20-29,99 13€
30-39,99 23€
40-49,99 32€
50-99,99 60€
100-199,99 96€
150-199,99 60€
200-599,99 120€
600-999,99 240€
1000-3000 480€

GERMAN TABLE EUR 2.1: (Estimated delivery between 3 and 5 Days*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-2,99 15€
3-4,99 20€
5-9,99 22€
10-19,99 24€
20-29,99 33€
30-39,99 44€
40-99,99 120€
100-399,99 300€
400-699,99 450€
700-1999 600€

TABLE EUR 2.2: Deliveries in mainland France, Monaco, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands (Estimated delivery between 3 and 5 days*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-2,99 18€
3-4,99 21€
5-9,99 23€
10-19,99 26€
20-29,99 35€
30-39,99 46€
40-199,99 114€
200-999 300€
1000-1999 600€
2000-2999 750€

TABLE EUR 2.3: Deliveries in Denmark, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia (Estimated delivery between 4 and 10 days*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-2,99 18€
3-4,99 24€
5-9,99 26€
10-19,99 29€
20-29,99 39€
30-39,99 49€
40-199,99 120€
200-999,99 300€
1000-1999 540€
2000-2999 700€

TABLE EUR 3.1: Deliveries in Finland, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine (Estimated delivery between 4 and 10 days*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-2,99 27€
3-4,99 38€
5-9,99 42€
10-19,99 45€
20-29,99 39€
30-39,99 75€
40-199,99 210€
200-999 480€
1000-1999 740€
2000-2999 1000€

TABLE EUR 3.2: Deliveries in Estonia, Latvia, Austria, Italy, Sweden, Slovenia, Balearic Islands (Spain), Ireland and Croatia (Estimated delivery between 5 and 10 days*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-2,99 21€
3-4,99 30€
5-9,99 32€
10-19,99 36€
20-29,99 50€
30-39,99 87€
40-199,99 240€
200-999 420€
1000-1999 600€
2000-2999 750€

TABLE EUR 3.3: Deliveries in Greece, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Norway, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina (Estimated delivery between 5 and 10 days*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-2,99 45€
3-4,99 48€
5-9,99 51€
10-24,99 60€
25-29,99 74€
30-39,99 90€
40-199,99 240€
200-999 480€
1000-3000 740€

TABLE EUR4.1: Deliveries to Albania, Cyprus, Faroe Islands, Kosovo, Malta, Montenegro, Macedonia, Iceland, Turkey, Spain (Ceuta, Mellilla, Las Palmas and Tenerife) (Estimated delivery between 5 and 15 days*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-2,99 82€
3-4,99 85€
5-9,99 110€
10-19,99 212€
20-29,99 300€
30-39,99 432€
40-199,99 540€
200-999 720€
1000-3000 1200€

TABELA USA / CANADA: Entregas nos Estados Unidos da América e Canadá (Entrega estimada entre 5 e 30 Dias*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-9,99 120€
10-19,99 180€
20-49,99 440€
50-99,99 660€
100-499,99 780€
500-999,99 1140€
1000-3000 1800€

NOTE: If you don’t know the shipping costs for the product/weight in question, you can contact us directly by e-mail at

REST OF THE WORLD TABLE (Estimated delivery between 3 and 30 days*)

Weight class (Kg) Price incl. VAT
0-20 480€
21-100 720€
101-500 900€
501-1000 1440€
1001-1999 2400€




In order to guarantee liability for potential damage incurred during the transport of the products and based on the instructions of the transport companies, we inform you of the following procedures to be followed upon receipt:

  • Visually inspect the outside of the packaging.
  • If there is any evidence of damage to the packaging, you must immediately reject the parcel and not take delivery of it, otherwise you will be held responsible for the damage.
  • If it is not possible to check the contents of the package upon receipt, the carrier’s delivery document must state ‘Damaged package / Crumpled / torn / wet box, etc.’.
  • If any minor anomalies are detected in the packaging, even if you don’t think the product has been damaged, it must be written on the carrier’s delivery document ‘Damaged packaging / Crumpled / torn / wet box, etc.’.
  • If you notice any damage to the product when you open the packaging, you must inform within 24 hours of receiving the goods. You must keep everything that was used in the packaging for later investigation by the carrier and/or supplier and you must take photographs of the product and the packaging.

In the event of failure to do so, reserves the right to decline any responsibility for what has happened.

We would also like to inform you that any claim made in this regard which does not include a record of the anomalies or damage on the carrier’s proof of delivery will not be considered by us.

It is compulsory to have means of unloading at the delivery point, whether physical or mechanical, to ensure that the means of transport is unloaded. The carrier does not unload the goods from the means of transport onto the ground. 


Proof of delivery will be provided by the signature of the consignee on the relevant delivery sheet presented by the carrier’s delivery driver. If the consignee is a legal person (company), proof of delivery will be provided by the signature of a duly authorised employee of the company at the address on the waybill.

The signatures identified above may be replaced by the recipient’s numerical signature, or its reproduction, which constitutes proof of delivery of the parcel. The Carrier and recognise this type of numerical signature as having the same value as a traditional paper signature. After 1 (one) year without undelivered parcels and goods stored at the premises of the carrier or having been duly claimed or picked up by the recipient, ownership of the same shall pass to Cores Invulgares Unipessoal Lda, which may dispose of them in the most appropriate manner and shall have the right to be reimbursed for any expenses incurred as a result of the storage measures operated.


Without prejudice to the foregoing and unless there is a mandatory legal provision to the contrary, and without prejudice to compliance with the complaints procedure set out in clause 7a of these conditions, shall only be liable for partial loss or damage to the goods transported if the recipient has made a booking entry on the respective delivery sheet at the time of delivery of the goods by the Carrier, which includes any anomalies in the packages.

If the carrier is unable to unload the goods for any reason, such as the wrong address, improper access, lack of unloading facilities, absence of a recipient or contact person to receive the goods, etc., it may incur extra delivery costs. These costs, which will not be refunded in the event of the goods being returned, even for orders with free postage, will be deducted from the total value of the order.


Transportadora/Cores Invulgares Unipessoal Lda is responsible for the total or partial loss of the goods or for any damage that occurs between the time of collection and delivery. Transportadora/Cores Invulgares Unipessoal Lda is liable for the acts and omissions of its employees, representatives or subcontractors, as if they were committed by it. The liability of Transportadora/Cores Invulgares Unipessoal Lda is triggered by the value of the goods on the date they were entrusted to it, the value of their repair or the direct costs of reconstituting the documents. The amount of compensation for loss or damage may not exceed €10 (ten euros) per kg of gross weight of missing or damaged goods, with a maximum limit of €300 (three hundred euros) per order. This compensation limit per kg only applies in cases where the commercial value of the goods is higher. In all other cases, the commercial value of the goods will always determine the amount of compensation due. Compensation for delay in delivery may not exceed the price of transport and is only due when the party concerned demonstrates that damage has been caused. For the purposes of delay in delivery, the transport service begins when the collection is carried out and not when it is requested from the Carrier. The liability of Transportadora/Cores Invulgares Unipessoal Lda is excluded if the loss, damage or delay is due to the nature or defect of the goods, the fault of the recipient, unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure. The liability of Transportadora/Cores Invulgares Unipessoal Lda is also excluded when the loss or damage results from the risks inherent in any of the following facts: a) lack of or defective packaging for goods which by their nature are subject to loss or damage when not properly packaged; b) maintenance, loading, stowage or unloading of the goods by the consignor or consignee, or by persons acting on their behalf; c) insufficient or imperfect markings or symbols on the packages.


However, for international shipments, if the goods are shipped by plane, the liability limitation criteria set by the Warsaw Convention apply, i.e. the liability limit of Transportadora/Cores Invulgares Unipessoal Lda is set at 16.5837 DTS per kg, equivalent to €20 per kg.

DELAY undertakes to use its best endeavours to provide the service within the stipulated timeframe. In the event of late delivery in national or international transport, subject to the application of the legal or regulatory provisions in force, the liability of DPD or another carrier is limited to the price of transport.


Transportadora/Cores Invulgares Unipessoal Lda cannot be held liable for intangible or indirect damage, whatever the cause.

EXPORTS (countries outside the EU)

All orders destined for countries outside the European Union, which we consider to be exports, are sent under the Incoterm DAP (Delivered at Place) with the following responsibilities:

Unloading – Sales
Handling – Sales
Storage – Sales
Customs bureaucracy – Buyer
Import duties – Buyer
Transport within the country of destination – Seller
Insurance in the country of destination – Seller
Unloading the goods – Buyer


It is the recipient’s responsibility, at the time of delivery, to check that the package(s) or pallet(s) do not show any signs of damage or packaging defects:

  1. Write ‘damaged package or pallet’ on the carrier sheet. Never write ‘subject to checking’.
  2. After checking the contents of the packages or pallets, send a complaint within 48 hours to, attaching photographs of the damage (package and item), a description of the damaged item(s) and their quantity, together with the order number and/or invoice number.
  3. If there is no visible damage, you have 5 days to formalise your complaint to Cores Invulgares Unipessoal Lda, in writing to, attaching photographs of the damage (volume and item), a description of the damaged item(s) and their quantity, together with the order and/or invoice number.


If the consignee receives the goods without checking their condition with the carrier or without formalising the reservations referred to in the previous points, the goods are presumed to be in good condition  and loses the power to raise those same reservations.

It is compulsory to have means of unloading at the place of delivery, whether physical or mechanical, to guarantee the unloading of the means of transport. The carrier does not unload the goods from the means of transport onto the ground;